Cancer Surgery

Surgery is one of the main treatments for many types of cancer. It's done to remove the tumour and any other tissue that might contain cancer cells.

Surgery is one of the main treatments for many types of cancer. The aim is usually to remove the tumour and any other tissue that might contain cancer cells.If you need to have surgery, your surgeon will be a specialist in performing the procedure required. They will make sure you have all the information and expert care you need from your very first consultation, to recovering after your operation.

You can read about your specific type of surgery by looking up your cancer type.

Your stay

When you have cancer surgery at Circle Health, you get your own private room. Your comfort and wellbeing is a priority, so as well as 24-hour care; you’ll have a TV, phone and radio in your room. Many have Wi-Fi too. Your visitors are also welcome at any time, including at meal times when they can come to eat with you.

Before your operation

You might need to have a preoperative assessment with your specialist nurse before your surgery. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions about your operation, and for them to run any other tests required, like blood tests.

On the day

Please feel free to bring your partner, a family member or friend to the hospital with you on the day of your operation. It can be helpful to have someone you know there for reassurance, and they can stay in your room while you have your surgery.

After your operation

When you wake up, you’ll be taken back to your room to rest. How long you need to stay will depend on the type of operation you’ve had.

After your operation, you’ll be cared for by a range of health professionals who specialise in your cancer type. Your team will include specialist consultant surgeon, and oncologist, cancer nurses and pharmacist, to support your recovery.

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