Skin cancer - facial skin cancer removal

Facial skin cancer removal is the surgical removal of a cancer of the skin of the face and doesn’t involve a stay in hospital.

What is facial skin cancer removal?

It is the surgical removal of a cancer of the skin of the face. This is usually carried out under local anaesthetic and it doesn’t involve a stay in hospital. The abnormal area is removed with a small margin of normal skin and sent to be looked at underneath the microscope and then the gap that is left is sewn together or filled up with some skin from near the defect.

How does facial skin cancer removal work?

This type of treatment works by removing the cancerous cells and enabling the wound to heal up in the best aesthetic position possible.

What are the benefits?

The benefits are that a likely or obvious facial skin cancer is removed. If facial skin cancers are left behind, they can often cause quite a lot of destruction of the skin and underlying structures and can sometimes spread in the rest of the body.

How safe is the treatment?

As this skin cancer treatment is usually carried out under local anaesthetic, it is very safe. Rare complications include occasional bruising or infection and sometimes bleeding. It is very uncommon for the skin cancer not to be completely removed.

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